Now study MBBS and fulfil your dreams of becoming a doctor by studying in the Best Medical University in Ukraine at a lower tuition fee without compromising on the quality of the education. With the best facilities available for Indian students, Bokovinian State Medical University has 9 Government hostels where more than 1700 Indian students are at BSMU, the best medical university in Ukraine, and fulfilling their dreams.
Why Choose to Study in Ukraine?
The best medical universities in Ukraine provide a world-class education at an affordable price and lower tuition fees in comparison to a private college in India. It is approximately 70% lower than the cost of the tuition fees of a private medical college in India. One does not need to pay any heft amounts as donations or there are no hidden fees involved in the recognised Ukrainian medical universities.
Also, the deserving candidate can easily get direct admission to any of the best medical universities in Ukraine, in MBBS. The admission process for MBBS is easy and does not involve clearing an entrance examination or English Tests required for studying in foreign countries like GMAT, TOEFL, ILTES amongst many others. The medical degrees from the renowned recognizable universities are recognizable everywhere in the world.
Higher tuition fees and the cut-throat competition in clearing NEET are the main obstacles that stop every Indian student from fulfilling their dreams of becoming a doctor. However, the deserving candidate can easily get admission for MBBS in Ukraine depending on their class 12 examination marks, without having to worry about appearing for any medical or any other entrance examination.